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Nominations for ASC Executive Committee

Dear Colleague,

You are invited to submit nominations for the offices of Chair, Vice-Chair, and Member-At-Large of the Assembly of State Conferences (ASC) Executive Committee.

Any eligible candidate whose name is recommended to the ASC Nominating Committee by representatives from three or more state conferences shall be included among the nominees.

The ASC elections for Vice Chair and Member-At-Large will take place at the June 12, 2015, ASC meeting in Washington, DC, by conference delegates to that meeting. The ASC election for the office of Chair will be conducted by mail ballot in conjunction with AAUP Council elections.

Completed nominations must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 16, 2015. Nominations may be e-mailed to the committee at [email protected] or sent via US mail to ASC Nominating Committee, c/o Alexis Pearlstein, 1133 Nineteenth Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20036.

The ASC Nominating Committee members, appointed in accordance with the ASC Constitution and Bylaws, are Angela Brommel (Nevada State College), Tina Kelleher (Towson University), and Martin Kich (Wright State University).