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Do not use union and/or employer resources to endorse or denounce a candidate

Dear State Conference/Chapter Officer,

As you are aware, the AAUP is conducting a national officer and council member election under the supervision of the U.S. Department of Labor. I would like to make sure that everyone is aware that Federal law prohibits the use of union and/or employer funds to support or denounce a candidate in this election. This means that no union funds, equipment, property, or resources, including union newspapers, websites, email address, etc. can be used to support or denounce any candidate in the election.

The election rules may be found on the AAUP website at http://www.aaup.org/NR/rdonlyres/ECF15A0D-FB71-43A3-87D1-442C29F09842/0/GeneralRulesforElectingOfficers.pdf

If you have any questions or believe that you may have used union funds to support or denounce a candidate, please contact me immediately at (202) 513-7320 or [email protected].

Christian Saenz

U.S. Department of Labor Election Supervisor